SPU guidance for internship adjustments during COVID-19

The Professional Educator Standards Board released their guidance for adjustments to internship activities and requirements during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on 3/5/20.

The guidance (below) suggests that candidates who are impacted by school closures will be able to work with assigned mentors and school districts as directed and it still “counts” for internship.

SPU has adapted our internship criteria performance assessment linked here so that we can continue to collect evidence of your growth and also to complete observations. You will work with your supervisor to determine the best way to complete this tool. We recommend that you download and use the tool as a self-assessment, 然后把它提交给你的主管, who will provide feedback during your debrief.  This process will provide necessary evidence for required program assessments.


请阅读下面的Q&A from PESB regarding clinical practice (internship), conditional certificates, and edTPA:

Clinical practice must take place in an educational setting. If schools are closed, what other options are considered an educational setting?

  • Clinical practice can take place in educational settings through remote 指令, 在线学习, 在不同的地点, or as part of an extended school year or school day.

What are other clinical practice requirements?

  • Clinical practice must be under the general supervision of a certificated practitioner who has three years' experience in the role for which the candidate is seeking certification. The preparation program must offer experiences for candidates to develop and demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed for their role.

What happens if an educator candidate cannot meet their required clinical practice hours?

  • In response to last week’s announcement on mandatory school closures, PESB has filed an 紧急状态 allowing educator preparation programs to review a candidate’s course work, 领域经验, 工作经验, 另一种学习经验. 基于这篇综述, the preparation program may then waive or reduce in length the clinical practice and course work if they determine the candidate has the required knowledge and skills. This WAC amendment is effective immediately, and will remain in place through mid-July of this year. 

    Clinical practice can take place in educational settings through remote 指令, 在线学习, 在不同的地点, or as part of an extended school year or school day. Clinical practice can include planning, 指令, and reflection that prepares the candidate for the role.

    Programs preparing candidates in school psychology or school counseling will need to refer to their respective national standards for minimum number of hours and other requirements for clinical practice.

Information on conditional certificates:

Information for 学校心理咨询 Students

The school counseling faculty prays that God is with us in this challenging and difficult time. 赌博十大靠谱软件希望你平安健康. As we all are living now in uncharted territory, you may have many questions and feel unsettled. Please note that we care about each one of you and are available for you to reach out. Keep us posted on how you are doing and what kind of support you would need related to the program. 

Here are the guidelines for your spring courses and clinical experience. These are developed based on the communications with CACREP, 国家认证委员会, 以及这个机构. When things get updated, we will let you know as soon as possible. 


In the spring quarter, all classes will be delivered online. Please contact your course instructor for more information. 


The following are some guidelines for the practicum and internship experience in responding to the COVID-19. These protocols may change later, according to CACREP, the state, 以及这个机构’s suggestions. If you have any questions regarding practicum and internship, please contact the Director of Clinical Training. 

Clinical practice must take place in an educational setting for school counselors. If 的实习 网站关闭, 我该怎么办??

  • Clinical practice includes direct and indirect hours. 间接时间包括计划, 指令, studying research-based articles and interventions, 致力于宣传项目, 多样性, 和股票, etc., and reflecting on the professional experience while they can take place outside of your site. Direct hours can include telehealth counseling, remote work with students such as email, phone, and teleconference platforms that your district supports. This will look different in every school. Please consult with your site supervisor and communicate with the Director of Clinical Training regarding the plan and support for direct hours by your site’s school counseling program. Please refer to ASCA Ethical Standards for school counselors and guiding documents for virtual counseling available in ASCA. If there are questions between what counts as direct and indirect hours, please reach out to the Director of Clinical Training. 

How do I meet the group supervision hours requirement?

  • CACREP requires that students meet for group supervision while doing practicum and internship. Group supervision will take place using the Zoom video conference in the spring quarter. Please take the supervision conference call via zoom in a safe and private place.  For more information on group supervision, please contact your course instructor. 

How do I meet the individual on-site supervision hours requirement?

  • CACREP requires that students meet with their site supervisors for a minimum of one hour a week. We suggest students schedule these meetings either via zoom (or online meeting platform) or phone if you continue to accrue direct hours supported by your school or district. Please refer to ASCA Ethical Standards for school counselors and guiding documents for virtual counseling by ASCA when you take online meetings or phone conference for supervision.  

What if I do not complete the required practicum hours before 的实习?

  • You need to complete 40 direct hours and 60 indirect hours for practicum. If it is likely that you will not be able to accrue the necessary direct hours before 的实习 because your 网站关闭, please contact the Director of Clinical Training. If you do not complete the required practicum hours in the spring quarter, 你就得N分, 这意味着, “在过程.在这种情况下, direct on-site hours will be accrued during the fall quarter when you register for an internship. Once you complete your practicum hours and have sufficiently met all the requirements for practicum, 你的“N”分就会被改. The hours for practicum will be completed at your internship site and not at the practicum site.

What if I don’t have my internship site secured?

  • The internship paperwork for the school counseling program is May 1st. As many schools are closed for a while, placements will be more likely to be delayed. Please continue to communicate with the Director of Clinical Training for securing your internship site. The program will accommodate the due date as the circumstance changes. 

What happens if I cannot meet my required clinical practice hours for 的实习?

  • We have continued to work with CACREP and 国家认证委员会 (PESB) to explore alternative ways to support our students with meeting the required clinical practice hours. When we have more information from them, we will let you know. 与此同时, please document both direct and indirect hours and communicate with the Director of Clinical Training regarding your internship site’s support for K-12 students during school closure.


  • edTPA registrations are valid for 18 months. 因此, candidates may submit edTPA portfolios within 18 months from their registration dates for both initial submissions and retakes. Programs may guide their candidates to submit their portfolio on an appropriate submission date depending on their situations. As necessary, Pearson can extend registrations for candidates impacted by COVID-19.
  • Candidates may request alternative arrangements when placed in a virtual classroom setting. Here is more information about how to request 这些可供选择的安排.


  • OSPI提供公告, and created a website to share information for school districts, 教育工作者和家庭. 访问他们的网站.

浏览个别证书资料, please contact the OSPI certification office at (360) 725-6400 or cert@k12.wa.us

Additional and updated information will be posted on the Teacher Communication HUB and edTPA Canvas sites.

Who do I contact if my internship site closes and I have questions?

Program Director Contact
放置 艾米丽发怒 huffe@tianbo588.net
吉尔Heiney-Smith heineysmithj@tianbo588.net
詹妮弗·诺顿 nortonj@tianbo588.net
教育领导能力 约翰债券 bondj@tianbo588.net
学校心理咨询 6月Hyun jhyun@tianbo588.net
edTPA 纳伦Baliram baliramn@tianbo588.net